jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2020

The shelter made a rule that these siblings had to be adopted...

I heard we’re posting dogs on shrooms

Til the end buddy 😍

Huckleberry is wearing the tennis balls of shame.

I tell her how beautiful she is every day…

Front-mounted motor

All my foster pets from 2020!

Dog on shrooms🍄

Man helps cat get cozy on the subway

Morning sickness is rough but this guy is definitely helping....

It’s my cake day so here’s a picture of my beautiful boy Mo 💜

I’m worried I may have accidentally rescued Yzma

The best co pilot anyone could ask for

My first post ever and my first cat ever!

She’s grown out of her hiding spot 🤭

When your cats creates gradient while they eat

miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2020

My girl has a not-so-secret admirer at daycare.

We may have adopted a tiny snow leopard

“Knuckles,” my 88lbs pitbull, companion, and service...


I know they’re nothing special, no fancy breeds or fancy...

The conductor of the Pskov-Moscow train feeds the cat Felix...

Mom and her son ❤️

After 11years(!), she finally laid down on my lap!!

I know the feeling, kitty

I cut my finger and she’s very concerned.

My 88 year old grandfather holding a bunny for the very first...

She’s one proud momma

martes, 29 de diciembre de 2020

Someone in the apartment across from mine is about to get...

The before and after of playing in the snow

Gus has a galaxy in his eyes

First time meeting a quokka. Not disappointed!!

Augie Making History as the Oldest Golden Retriever Ever!

My daughter put her sandals inside my work shoes so she could...

The selfie King

6 weeks and 8 months

Zelda is not even 4 months old yet and she’s so big!

Dog named Moose loves to play fetch he’s just a little...

That drive from the shelter to your forever home

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2020

Now here is a good boi

Princess goat.

We have had our indoor cat for 6 years, but he has never had...

Don’t talk to me, or my tiny son ever again

My bf took this picture 10 minutes after I left for work

Our 1st Christmas together and our 14th christmas together!

Puppies are a part of why I love my job

Meet Tuna - short for Zaytuna which means olive

his feet too big for his gotdang feet

My mom’s cats snuggle like this at least 5 times a day.

This 23 year old cat is still so elegant 💕